Protea Firm is here to help your organization grow, sustain and thrive. With services in grant writing, program management, and donor stewardship, Protea helps you access resources to be successful.
Get to Know Protea
The protea flower is said to be one of the oldest flowers, receiving its name after Proteus, son of Poseidon. According to Greek mythology, Proteus had the power to know all things past, present and future. However, to prevent those seeking his knowlege, he would change his shape at will. Analogously, there are over 1,400 varieties of the protea flower, ranging in various shapes, sizes, colors, and textures. No two are the same; they are a diverse species like us. The protea flower symbolizes transformation, courage, strength, and diversity. As such, I have chosen the name Protea to communicate my values to you each time you hear our name.
My name is Nancy Vue Tran (she/her/nws)
With my background as a lawyer, I excel in developing strong case statement to generate compelling narratives and funding for your organization. As a first generation Hmong American, I know first-hand how to do what it takes to survive and gather resources. Development work for me is identifying the need and being creative and resourceful in pursuing a diverse array of resources. I lean on my upbringing with strong mutual aid and capacity building practices. Most importantly, I always center the needs of my clients and trust that they know what's best and what has or hasn't worked for them. I focus my work on results-oriented activities like getting grants written and developing clear projects and deliverables. If needed, I can help with other items like:
- Creating a long-range plan and updating on a yearly basis
- Maintaining a planned and frequently evaluated process for bringing on new board members
- Carrying our ongoing planning and evaluation rooted in community centric methods
- Strategizing on financial needs and fundraising plans for the future of the organization
- Developing the client's capability to conduct capital campaigns and start planned giving programs
- Implementing systems to track donor data and steward donors.

Our Services

Foundation and Corporate Grant Research and Writing Package
Nonprofit organizations with exempt and charitable status may purchase the Foundation and Corporate Package for either General Operating Support, Program Support, or Capital Support. A signed contract and check must be received prior to Protea commence services. This package features the following:
Protea will Identify a minimum of 6 Foundations or Corporations that accept unsolicited proposals, letters, or applications for the appropriate type of support
Protea will gather information from your staff about the organization, program description (fully developed), program goals, target population, service area, community impact, local competitors, collaborators, and the budget including revenue and expenses
Protea will write a draft proposal and then sent it to the client for review
Protea will edit the proposal based on client's feedback, and then prepare a Full Proposal, the Letters of Inquiry, and / or Applications
Protea will send the client the Final Full Proposal, Letter of Inquiry, and / or Application(s) as well as the submittal information for a minimum of 6 Foundations or Corporations
The client will sign the Letters, Proposals, and Applications and submit them to the funder(s) in a timely basis
Foundation and Corporation Grant Package Price: $1,000.00
Ask me about my reduced rate for BIPOC organizations.
Government Grant Application
Eligible entities may purchase the Federal Government Grant Application. A signed contract and check must be received by Protea prior to the start of the project.
This purchase includes the following:
Protea will research grant opportunities and identify a Notice of Funding Announcement for which the applicant and its project are eligible
Protea will request from the client specific business, project, and technical information including the budget
Protea will prepare any needed Letters of Intent
Protea will prepare the Application Template, Narrative Draft, Budget Narrative Draft, Budget Form, and any attachment documents
Protea will forward the drafts to the client for review
Protea will make revisions based on the client's feedback
Protea will provide the Pre-Application (if recommended or required) and Final Application Template including all documents and attachment to the client at least 3 days prior to the published due date.
The client is responsible for signing documents and submitting application in a timely basis.
Government Grant Application Prices:
$3,000 for one Federal Application
$2,000 for one State or Local Application
Ask me about my reduced rate for BIPOC organizations.
Program Development
If a business wants a grant, but does not have a fully developed program or project, then Protea can be hired to provide a "field of interest" expert to design a competitive program. This service requires a supplemental fee to the grant writing service. A project / program description will be provided to the client including a Logic Model that can be used as a working document during program operation.
Program Development Prices:
$500.00 Program Development using a Logic Model for a Foundation or Corporate Grant
$700.00 Program Development using a Logic Model for a Government Grant
Ask me about my reduced rate for BIPOC organizations.
We work with You
When a business hires a Grant Consultant to prepare a letter, proposal, or application for a grant award, there is a considerable amount of "EFFORT" that will still be required on the part of the business. So, one person in the business should be designated as the point person to work with the Grant Consultant. Our staff will work with you to accomplish the following tasks in a timely manner will include the following:
Registration with the System for Award Management (SAM) will be required and must be maintained annually (if applying for a Federal grant)
Provide the Annual Organization Budget for current year
Provide the Project Budget (summary budget plus line item details for the Budget Narrative)
Provide a Summary of project to be funded (services to be provided as well as scope of services, target population description, geographic service area, project staffing plan
Provide Resumes of Key Personnel
Provide Information for any forms required by the Grantmaker
Reviewing documents prepared by the Grant Consultant; this review process may be repeated several times during the writing process
Actual online submission or mailing of the letter, proposal or application to the Grantmaker